Monday, June 30, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 136

I'm thankful for:

1. Feeling normal again. I like cheerful me better.
2. Visiting a colleague in hospital. Despite awkward questions by our boss, managed to ask her if she's doing better. Will pray for her & baby to be well & strong.
3. Last minute meetup with friends. Good laugh at glow in the dark braces, ditzy fengtou ladies sailing in the sea.
5. Body aches not too serious.  Feels like I went for a hike or something.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 135

I'm thankful for:

  1. waking up at 6.30am and snoozing till 7am! haha I actually heard my alarm this time!
  2. not so intense of a day in Genovasi and lots of getting to know people.
  3. commonalities.
  4. feeling hungry at the same time and pigging out - so true... everything looks good when I'm hungry and I wanted to order it all. But I didn't! Thank goodness!
  5. a little more headway in our discussions.
  6. having some butt flesh!?! Can't remember when was the last time I fell on my derriere this hard. I think the initial shock of being overthrown by a small little puddle of water was worse than the pain felt on my lower pelvic bone and left palm. Thank God I don't feel a lingering pain. Should be alright inside I hope.
  7. Michel Camilo - setting the mood for minutes writing.
  8. my BSF leader for her support and prayers.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 132, 133 & 134

Crazy past 3 days with lots of drama. Lesson learned, don't simply say things when you're upset. I'm thankful for:

  1. saying the stupid thing to someone I trust (only). But it is my ultimate plan, I guess. God willing.
  2. our PLC AGM & EGM going pretty well besides some unreasonable shouting shareholders. Always read the T&Cs! Funny how our scrutineers told us that these few serial shareholders visit AGMs and kick up a fuss everywhere. Interesting, why do these retirees have so much angst in them? 
  3. my particular assignment, the board meeting, going well. All smiles. Ha-ha this and ha-ha that.
  4. my bio apple USB drive - super panic, running frenzy, copying out a presentation for the AGM. Nobody told me I needed to load the MSWG Q&As for the AGM presentation. So yeah, a whole roomful of shareholders and our Board saw what was on my USB drive - my ex-company folders and Frozen!
  5. the funny but costly incident of me thinking I loss my season parking card when it was actually under my laptop bag. Cost me RM7 but gave me and others a good laugh afterwards. The perils of growing old - misplacing things.
  6. the dreaded other AGM & EGM going on without a fight. And seeing our senior management play-acting with the script we wrote. We were all prepped (statutorily) and ready for hostility. Not too sure if the no-show of the minority shareholders was a good thing or a bad thing. I foresee more fire after their letter of request to adjourn the shareholder meetings was denied. We'll wait and see.
  7. having completed my really rushed board file compilation through my meltdown and being able to squeeze out some smiles out and act as normal as possible.
  8. not really caring if everyone knows what happened. I'm human and I have my limits too. I think this way of releasing stress is much more peaceful than shouting profanities at random persons who come by. So be it.
  9. the more I talk about it, the more I forget that feeling of anger. Disconnect. TQ friends.
  10. family time and talking. Hard to get everyone on the same page.
  11. the weekend. Genovasi time is always a time away from the stress. Time to do something totally unconnected and learn new things.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 131

I'm thankful for:

  1. being indoors in this kind of weather. Just a slab of glass separating me and the horrible haze.
  2. Uncle chap fan - damn nice weh but super oily lah! And he remembers to speak English to me!
  3. starting to get a hang of compiling board papers and quite fast too! I think.
  4. leaving office a little earlier - 8.10pm!
  5. the fur friends fighting for love.
  6. stalking PLCs. Interesting - share price went from less than 50 sen to more than RM5 in a year due to a change in management. And the whole Board has migrated over too! Can't help the alarm bell in my head to file change of directorship for our trustee, but alas that entity is no longer under my care.
el nino dry hot haze
Visibility is bad - every time I look out my window I instinctively start coughing!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Fire the Dead Wood!

I say fire the dead wood!

Being Thankful: Day 130

I'm thankful for:

  1. conversations - it is comforting when you know you are not alone in this problem. 
  2. not feeling hungry. Brought and bought just enough food to last me the long day.
  3. not feeling sleepy although I had nasi lemak for lunch. That shows the amount of 'braining' involved today.
  4. realising and pointing out that we were short of 2 laptops for the whole board meeting - AGM registration counter setup. Although it's less than 3 days away, we can still put in a request for backup laptops. I think I'll bring my personal laptop along, just in case.
  5. suddenly realising that one of my JV company's Annual Return deadline is next week! Hurry, hurry prepare for filing! I miss having my assistant to do all this for me. God must be protecting me from non-compliance. ;)

Being Thankful: Days 127, 128 & 129

I'm thankful for:

  1. fruitful days - every minute is considered productive.
  2. finally replying some messages - didn't realise it took me weeks to respond. Gosh, need to start keeping track of things.
  3. Friday dinner date with mah gooood fren! Twice in a week to the place I said I would not go back to and Tous Les Jours. Ketchup catchup.
  4. twice in a week late night macchiato overdose. Wonderful sleep therapy and hyper active the next day making two dinners a night a must.
  5. learning more and more under pressure. Mistakes happen but it just teaches me to look out for such mistakes the next time around. Second year of reviewing audited accounts and I'm proud that I could proofread and revert for 4 companies within an hour on Friday after 6pm!
  6. supportive people around me. God always puts a balance of angels and annoyers around me. Hope I can overcome this turning point. Or does He have another plan for me? Let's wait and see.
  7. my BSF leader as she had been one of my confidante in the stormy times last month. Always having words of encouragement and surrendering my 'predicament' to the Lord.
  8. excited for the upcoming wedding! What should I wear? Can I bring a curling tong onto the plane?
  9. prototyping - didn't expect we could come up with so many ideas at one go. And to be able to build the prototypes with basically... waste!
  10. seeing the reaction on people's faces to the prototypes.
  11. rejection - don't feel so 'malufying' now anymore.
  12. horrible English is damn funny yo. Our typos galore is just too entertaining. Who said swiftkey was wonderfully predictive!?! 
  13. getting to know my team members better.
  14. our carb-high time - talk rubbish, hear rubbish and couldn't find the masking tape in front of me!
  15. so much activities that gives me no time for thinking about... dot dot dot. It's a good thing, eraser please.
  16. falling asleep with my youversion at home and then finding more concentration in a noisy cafe in Taipan. What are the odds?
  17. the midnight owl. Time to complete my BSF homework! Omg, my one month break is over and I'm cramming on the night before class...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 126

I'm thankful for:

  1. finishing the compiling of board papers on my own. Woohoo I can do it,  people thought I'm so used to having an assistant that I can't handle such task anymore. 
  2. overcoming a negative response and ending the day on a positive note.
  3. an interesting chat on buying shares.
  4. being reminded to use the stairs rather than the elevator. 
  5. getting that *@** form signed, even if it took me a solo walk to the hotel. Gee, goodbye high profile board meetings! 

Being Thankful: Day 124 & 125

Uh-oh... getting lax again.

I'm thankful for:

  1. getting real planning done for our trip.
  2. leave approved!
  3. finally a response - all is well.
  4. being able to eat spicy food again! 
  5. sharing a weird moment with a colleague. I hope I didn't reveal too much, but it's come to a point where I don't really care anymore.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 123

I'm thankful for:

  1. having the obsession of making sense of numbers. Today is 123! Woohoo!
  2. not losing control of myself today when someone wanted to taichi her outstanding work. I'm really reaching the boiling point with this person. I'm glad that I stood my ground and said NO. I have done my part in finishing my outstanding work before handover and she should too.
  3. friends who encourage me to leave. Hahaha. At this point, I think I just needed someone to hear my complaints. This too shall pass (I hope).
  4. yummy dinner and celebrating mummy. But after finding out who the ultimate beneficial owner was, I think I may not go back there.
  5. cake. Croquant. Meringue. Hazelnuts.
  6. coffee and chocolate and hazelnuts.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 121 & 122

Been two days of grueling work. I'm thankful for:

  1. Being excited and it turns out to be something very accessible to most people. 
  2. Not freaking out when finding hair in my  food. Twice. Is this a good thing? Not over reacting is good. 
  3. Field work is getting easier. Don't feel so intimidated now. What's the worst that could happen? Rejection. 
  4. Realising that my mind totally loses it sometimes when people ramble. I don't mean to but it's an auto reflex. 
  5. Identifying contradictions. Lol. 
  6. Meeting random people whom suddenly you discover have something in common with you! 
  7. Trying out new places. Yesterday Slurp. Today Les Deux Garcons. 
  8. Trying piggies tolling in the mud. Japanese curry! 
  9. Tasting the no. 2 best macaroons in KL. Salty caramel was good. Salt always saves the day! 
  10. Doing a blind taste test. Interesting. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 120

Wow, unknowingly it's already 120 days of brain rewiring! Although the fervour for the entrepreneurship MOOC didn't last, at least this is one of the takeaways I have.

I'm thankful for:

  1. praises. Sometimes it gets really hard when you have no feedback on your performance and start assuming your work is going to the dogs. It is human nature to always be quick to criticise and slow to praise. But occasionally you get to hear from peers that you have value indeed, and this is encouraging.
  2. water. It was about the only thing that could stop me from my uncontrollable coughing fit. Felt really bad coughing in front of a pregnant lady and she just kept on teaching me how to draft a discharge of Charges resolution.
  3. karma. Yeah, I shouldn't be 'believing' in such things but there is that unmistakable 'leap in the heart' when I see 'what goes around comes around' in action. All this politicking... something is bound to give way one day.
  4. Poppy. Such an endearing mutt.
  5. Zacky. Such a grumpy old boy.
  6. Excitement for tomorrow!

Being Thankful: Day 119

I'm thankful for:
1. Feeling much better although my right eyelid was still swollen for most of the day (I looked extra crap cause of the lack of makeup).
2. Handling people who were chasing me.
3. Getting better on track.
4.  Not being the only one who feels things are getting under the skin.
5. Water and how it cools.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 118

I'm thankful for:

  1. talking to a doctor and discovering that allergy may occur with certain brands (manufacturers) of the same drug.
  2. the day off and the hours of sleep I had and the body ache I woke up with was gone after all the extra rest.
  3. the body ache medication (but it also gave me swollen eyes!).
  4. achieving what I'd planned to do for the past few months. Start small.
  5. having a good sweat out to detox myself of the allergy.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 117

I'm thankful for:

1. My quality of work recognised. Although it was at the expense of a really nice person.
2. Surviving the day with some virus wreaking havoc in me.
3. Forced to end early when everyone went home.
4. Home cooked meal.
5. Breathing. When you lose the ease only then that we appreciate it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 116

I'm thankful for:

1. That satisfaction when a job is done.
2. Interesting discoveries about people in doing my research for work.
3. Having friends that I can share 5 cent stories any time of the day and they don't judge me for them.
4. Dinner tea at TWG. Ah, now I can say that I've been there... Hmm... Not really my territory yet.
5. Having "puppy" greet me with enthusiasm in the dark of the night. Some dogs are just so lovable.

Monday, June 09, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 115

I'm thankful for:

  1. breakfast - rarely I have this privilege.
  2. fun games.
  3. more talk on the project and recruiting another member.
  4. taste buds - we take for granted our ability to taste and savour our food. What if there wasn't such a thing as taste buds? All that chemical reaction gone to waste.
  5. finishing my long outstanding minutes. Wow, only 5 pages! So used to pulling a minimum of 15 pages with my previous portfolio.

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 114

I'm thankful for:

1. A walk in the park.
2. More discussions on the project.
3. Fellowship time & English tea.
4. Funny discoveries. Hmmm...
5. A quick response from the eBay seller who shipped the wrong screen protector to me.

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Being Thankful: Days 112 & 113

It's been a very tiring 2 days - in a good way. Busy out of my mind after two days out of office. Outstanding assignments, system training and familiarization... Evening sessions for our church conference...

I'm thankful for:

1. Having not to drive to work for two days.
2. A good mind rest from all the work before getting on board again.
3. Not giving up just because of the jam.
4. Getting out that urgent resolution in just over a day - our requests always come last minute.
5. Having questions to ask on the e-board system - much more prepared than the last time we had training.
6. Discovering I can actually apply for associateship. Experience & study duration checked! Now to fill the form, get endorsements & pay the money.
7. Worshipping in the house of God. Starved.
8. Thinking positive and not looking back into the past. Over and done with.
9. Homemade rice dumpling from my colleague.
10. Ideas. Always make me excited.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 111

I'm thankful for:

1. Blessing that no one else wants to attend the SSM National Conference, so I get to go both days.
2. Having the chance to listen to interesting panelists, especially the lawyers. Wow.
3. Ending early and learning a lot.
4. Meeting people in the industry.
5. Warm bath.
6. Fellowship time.

Being Thankful: Day 109 & 110

I'm thankful for:
  1. an opportunity to let someone know how much workload I am having.
  2. meeting the deadline for the bank form submission. Now just some other documents to complete.
  3. a little homemade rice dumpling from my colleague.
  4. help from others.
  5. attending my first SSM National Conference.
  6. meeting people with industry experience.
  7. good speakers - always motivate me to excel in public speaking. Lawyers are awesome public speakers (well, most of them).
  8. reaching home with the sun still in the sky! Haven't had the chance for the past few weeks.

Monday, June 02, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 108

I'm thankful for:

  1. Not getting murdered yet. I lost the name of my target though. And people seem to be trying to pass me stuff suspiciously. Haha.
  2. Increasing experience in approaching and interviewing strangers. I'm good at approaching but not so great at explaining our prototype.
  3. Yumcha coconut shake.
  4. Looking young although I'm one of the older ones in the class.
  5. Getting some testing done for the e-board.