Thursday, May 19, 2011

So it's OK to Surf Twitter While Driving?

It's funny how many times I've found my mind totally blank while driving alone. My reflexes would not even involve conscious thinking.

On the other hand, much of my internal deliberations occur while driving alone too. One such that I used to laugh at almost everyday was the traffic update board on the NKVE highway (which has been dismantled since 2 weeks ago). In its earlier days, the board used to display the traffic update on certain parts of the NKVE, such as at the Damansara exit or Jalan Duta exit. The updates used to read something like
Trafik sesak selepas tol Damansara
And then one day they (the highway concessionaire) changed their traffic updates to a standard message
Layari untuk maklumat trafik terkini
 At first I was disappointed that I'd have to reach the toll in order to know the traffic instead of getting the update and avoiding the jammed route. Then it dawned on me how stupid the message was. The Government has been campaigning that the use of cellphones while driving is hazardous and here we have PLUS asking us to log on to our 3G network and surf Twitter for a traffic update, all while driving (because we only remember to check for traffic updates when we see the reminder on the board and the URL is plastered on it!).

Perhaps someone made a complaint and that's why the board had to come down eventually...

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