Monday, September 27, 2010

TGIF or TGIM (Monday)?

Yesterday's "celebration" message was about Moses - the three transformations he had undergone when he responded to God's call.
  • Skill transformation
  • Strategy transformation
  • Spiritual transformation
I'm not going to type out what I noted down, but at one point Ps Chris was saying that whatever our vocation is, when God calls you, your skills will be useful for His plan. So you do not need to be a pastor to be of good use to God. You can be an engineer or a sales man and still serve God well.

We can serve God in our workplace, just by being filled with joy. He also stressed that when we work, we must remember that we are working for God and not for our human bosses. So take joy in what we do!

I've had this verse on my desk for more than a year - to remind me when I'm having a bad day.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men (Col 3:23)
Ps Chris asked the congregation whether we dread or love going to work. Do we whoop with joy when it is Friday? Or dread going back to office on Monday morning? Upon asking myself that same question, I can safely say that I'm quite happy going to work every morning. My bad days come when there are thoughts of insecurity in my mind. Otherwise, I like the free time I have to read stuffs and blog and study... but I still think I should be busier at my age... So here's to what the future may hold for me! Cheers! 

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