Thursday, November 30, 2006


again... this blog is starting to lag... i don't really know why... just getting lazy i guess. funny thing... i was reading some blogs of people whom i know in uni (but not very well...) and i thought to myself, does my blog sound like that too? personally, i think it does at times... kakakaa... so boring... but hey, i'm not some kind of interesting or hot babe person, so i doesn't really matter i guess...

i find that when i read blogs of people i know, i can actually visualize or rather, hear, how they are dictating their entries! is it just me, or i'm getting over-imaginative?? they actually blog with colloquial english (with their personal slang... or whatever you call it) and i guess that's what makes their entris so... LIKE them! i think i do that sometimes, but for me i find that whenever i start writing something that's going to be permanent or important, i try to write it in the best english i can muster (which is why u see kindergarten english here, always! hehe). however the story's different when i'm chatting. if you chat with proper english you'll end up sounding so stuffed up...

somehow, i think (and this is my personal views which i do not intend to impose on anyone) that english should be used properly in cases where someone may form an opinion of you by reading what you have written. for that matter, any language should be used correctly so that the reader will have a certain level of respect for you and no miscommunication occurs. (this sounds so familiar... i think i've blogged about this before...) anyway, this is my opinion because i treasure english and seeing it misused makes me sad. after all, its use projects our (as malaysians) level of proficiency in the language and most malaysians have had the privilege of learning english in school since primary (the quality of the subjuct's teaching and importance stressed on this subject by the school is a different story) and i don't see why we can't use it as best as we can without mixing other languages into it etc.

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