lately, i've been having alot of shit problems. and when i say shit, i literally mean shit! it started off when i went for a uni friend's party after my exams and i must've ate something wrong there because the next morning (which was coincidentally sunday) i felt so horrible with indigestion and that kind of feeling where you need to go but you just can't!!! at lunch, i kept feeling like vomitting but i tried to get my mind of that idea because vomitting is such a traumatic experience for me (always has been... but thinking back, i think vomitting then would have saved me so much pain). later into the evening, with no sign of any shit i started running a fever and my body ached everywhere... my theory behind this is that my body was full of toxic stuff but since there was no outlet for it, the toxic manifested into fever and body aches (whether this is logical or even right, i really have no idea)... anyway, the shit started pouring in the wee hours of monday morning. i was quite relieved but i kept having to hop into the loo every few minutes because it just wouldn't stop... my stomach, or rather big intestines, kept churning out liquified faeces with lots of air pockets. i could actually feel my intestines contracting and the air bubbles of various volumes travelling upwards (vapour pressure and gravity...)... i felt like a water dispenser... the ones with an inverted plastic water container on top of a dispenser with a tap...
this kept on for almost 2 days with no sign of the shit consistency getting any thicker than water. it wasn't energy-draining like all the other times i've had food poisoning, but i was geting concerned since there wasn't much improvement happening. so i went to see a doctor and he didn't even examine me and prescribed oral rehydration salts and some small green pills. the problem was that everytime i sipped the rehydration salt drink, it would make my stomach churn... so i stopped taking it and took the green pill. i think it helped to partially solidify the s**t. anyway, everything returned to a reasonable normal state after a week.
my 2nd turd encounter was early wednesday morning just outside my house gates... some inconsiderate cat had emptied its bowels right in front of the gate and burried it in sand. not seeing the turd and rushing to mum's holiday class, i stepped on it unknowingly! i didn't know i'd stepped on it till we started smelling something that smelled like vomit in the car. at first we thought that one of the kids had vomitted or stepped on cat turd... but turns out i was the culprit!!! of course no one else except mum found out about this. when we reached the school, i had to lock myself in the toilet and scrape off the s**t from my shoe heel using a wad of tissue... i nearly vomitted myself, from seeing it, the smell and the idea of the whole thing! i hate cats!!!!
after my food poisoning incident, it seems like the whole family is getting diarrhoea in turns. first was dad, but his wasn't too serious... then a couple of weeks later LK got it... and he still has it... it sounds quite bad and he also has the fever thing. mum just had it early this week but she's on her way to recovery...
this makes me think that there's probably something that's causing this problem in my house... i'm thinking it's got something to do with the mouldy wooden chopstick in the kitchen... probably it's some kind of aspergillus which spores may have settled on some utensils and its toxicity is causing the fever and diarrhoea... so now whenever i want to eat/drink, i wash the utensils thoroughly first.
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