Thursday, August 26, 2010


I'll never get it why some people feel the need to ALWAYS be number 1

Been there, done that
Mine is much better than yours
I couldn't possibly be wrong
You should do it like I did - its the best way"

It must be tiring to always be on alert and think up of some story on-the-spot just to show that your superiority remains unchallenged. There are two types to this group of people - the blatant and the undercover.

If one is in the blatant grouping and has a handful of positive traits, people around them usually turn a temporary deaf ear when their superiority complex takes over for the moment. It is amazing how understanding people can be - especially Asians, when it comes to telling boastful people off. We tend to think: after all, this person is my friend and I should be tolerant and overlook these minor flaws. 'Blatant' people tend to recognise and acknowledge this trait that is in them. In a way, you could say that they accept it as part of their personality and are proud to admit it.

The other group are the undercovers. These breed portray themselves as caring, humble individuals who wouldn't swat a fly, afraid that it would hurt the fly's feelings (you get what I mean? a.k.a being Mother Teresa). At first impression, you think you've found a kindered spirit but on closer observation, you find that there is always an undertone of 'putting you down' in many things that this person says/does. Praises will come with a 'but' at the end. You can see their displeasure on their faces when the conversation topic is not focused on them, but they won't come out and express this displeasure. They are in their element when they get to speak to people as a person with authority to give advice - somewhat like being a wise mother hen. They think it very clever to always see the negative in something positive, with the excuse of being cautious for uncertainties in the future. And another famous trait is false humility - where they verbally condemn something that has been cast on them by others (i.e. more responsibilities or good reputation), claiming that they don't want to be associated with it but in their hearts, they are rather proud of it.

There is a limit to obliging and giving in all the time. I mean, if someone is contented with his/her achievements or possessions, don't go bursting people's bubble and planting 'what could have been better' ideas. At the end of the day, what matters is that each individual has met their own personal goals... not someone else's.

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