Monday, June 23, 2014

Being Thankful: Day 130

I'm thankful for:

  1. conversations - it is comforting when you know you are not alone in this problem. 
  2. not feeling hungry. Brought and bought just enough food to last me the long day.
  3. not feeling sleepy although I had nasi lemak for lunch. That shows the amount of 'braining' involved today.
  4. realising and pointing out that we were short of 2 laptops for the whole board meeting - AGM registration counter setup. Although it's less than 3 days away, we can still put in a request for backup laptops. I think I'll bring my personal laptop along, just in case.
  5. suddenly realising that one of my JV company's Annual Return deadline is next week! Hurry, hurry prepare for filing! I miss having my assistant to do all this for me. God must be protecting me from non-compliance. ;)

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